• Jennyhq     【看电影学英语】传奇人生Frankie Presto-英文音频〰

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    Frankie Presto

    In Mitch Albom's epic new novel, the voice of Music narrates the tale of its most beloved disciple, Frankie Presto, a Spanish war orphan raised by a blind music teacher. At nine years old, Frankie was sent to America in the bottom of a boat. His only possession is an old guitar and six magic strings.
    epic 史诗
    disciple 信徒,追随者
    orphan 孤儿
    blind music teacher 失明的音乐老师


    But Frankie's talent is touched by the gods, and it weaves him through the musical landscape of the twentieth century, from classical to jazz to rock and roll.
    touched by the gods - 被神灵触摸过
    weave - 编织


    Frankie elevates to a rock star himself, yet his gift becomes his burden, as he realizes that he can actually affect people's futures: his guitar strings turn blue whenever a life is altered. Overwhelmed by life, loss and his power, he disappears for years.
    elevates 提升
    rock star 摇滚明星
    burden 负担
    altered 改变


    With its Forrest Gump-like journey through the music world, The Magic is a classic in the making. A lifelong musician himself, Mitch Albom delivered an unforgettable story. "Everyone joins a band in this life," he observes, be it through music, family, friends, or lovers. And those connections change the world.
    classic in the making - 正在成为传奇
    Everyone joins a band in this life. - 每个人一生中都会加入一个“乐队”

    谢。 谢。 大。 家。 😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚

    1970-01-01   11赞       0踩       170浏览 评论(2)
女 资深配角lv31


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