• Nicholas★     Day 6 每日小知识~不可忽视的最高级

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》



    1). A+be+the+最高级+in (of, among)...:在某范围内A是最...

    Shanghai is the largest city in China.

    He is the tallest of the three boys.


    She is my youngest sister in the family.

    She is the youngest sister in my family.

    You are my best friend.

    He jumps (the) highest in the high jumping.

    2). one of the +最高级+复数名词…:最…之一;

    ⚠️注意:one of 后面的名词要用复数形式;

    China is one of the largest countries in the world.

    Jay Chou is one of the most popular singers in Taiwan.

    3). …the +序数词+最高级+单数名词+in… ,表示在...中是第几最…

    The Yellow River is the second longest river in our country.

    Tom is the third tallest boy in our class.

    4). 比较级+than any other+单数名词=比较级+than the other+复数名词,表示“比任何一个都……”

    He is cleverer than any other boy in his class.

    = He is cleverer than the other boys in his class.

    Jack studies harder than any other student in his class.

    = Jack studies harder than the other students in his class.

    5). Which/ who is the+最高级, A, B or C? 表示:在A, B和C中,哪个最…?

    Which is the biggest? The sun, the earth or the moon?
    太阳, 地球和月亮,哪个最大的?

    Who runs the fastest? Jim, Mary or me?

    Which is the most expensive? A bicycle, a motorcycle or a car?

    6). A+be+the+最高级+(that) sb. has/ have ever seen/ heard/ read,表示:A是sb.见过/ 听过/ 读过的最…的。

    This is the most interesting book (that) I have ever read.

    You are the most beautiful girl (that) I have ever seen.

    我是一个勤劳的搬运工(* ̄︶ ̄)

    1970-01-01   30赞       0踩       556浏览 评论(9)
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