• 魔友796997     绘本独白「我来帮你建船回家吧」Vol.93 第一卷

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    听 译 🎸陆凝,Ariel.Y,栗子,大狮子
    And then the lion looks down at the little boy and said
    'Hello,little boy.
    You've had a quite the bad day.'
    'But don't be afraid,little boy.'The lion said.
    'Your boat maybe broken,
    and you maybe far from home.But we are all here to help you.
    Please,eat this tiny ant.
    It will give you the superhuman strength necessary to build a better boat.
    And once the sea's come,you can get back home.'
    'Little boy! 'The lion called. 'I made a terrible mistake.'
    'You have the strength,but not the wisdom needed to build your boat.
    Please,eat this owl for the wisdom to build your boat and make it back home.'

    1970-01-01   36赞       1踩       4781浏览 评论(11)
男 影帝lv57


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