• DaCheese     「SNE」”波士顿法律” 美剧

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《未知》

    Summer’s Here!! 🌞🌻

    Binge Watch Season is about to START!!😝

    🌜“Boston Legal” is the GOTO SHOW🌛


    (”波士顿法律” 截屏)”Flamingos”


    Here’s an example:

    “Some people simply cannot let go.
    You love a person so desperately you, perhaps, lose sight of reason, and you begin to act unreasonably, perhaps out of control, even.
    It's possible Daniel Ralston to have control over his behavior.
    Maybe he truly couldn't stop pursuing Wendy Moore.
    Maybe he had to keep calling, had to schedule those lunches, had to seemingly stalk her, if you will.”


    “He was in love with her.
    People in love lose their grip.
    But what's at issue here is her state of mind, her mental state.
    Not Mr. Ralston's state of mind, but Wendy's.
    Was she reasonably upset by this relentless pursuit?
    She's a married woman with a family trying to salvage her marriage, and her boss keeps calling, keeps coming, keeps coming, keeps propositioning her.
    The fact that she once loved this man only makes it worse, more difficult.
    What choice did she really have but to leave?
    Maybe that was his plan all the time.
    He knew he couldn't fire her.
    Maybe that was his psychological game, where the only thing that she could really do in the end was get in her car... and drive off.
    He created a hostile working environment with repeated, unwelcomed sexual advances, ladies and gentlemen.
    That is prima facie classic sexual harassment.”


    “Love happens in the workplace all the time.
    In fact, it's where most affairs start, most relationships.
    It happens.
    So do breakups.
    As a woman, I am offended by the onslaught of these lawsuits.
    As neutral as the language may be, sexual harassment law is gender biased it exists to protect women.
    It feeds into the perception that women are weaker than.
    It goes all the way back to common law, where women were denied the right to enter into contracts because we lacked mental capacity.
    Today's harassment law is designed to protect us from sexual banter in the workplace because we just can't take it. I can take it.
    Can you? Can you?
    Do we really need to cleanse the workplace of all sexual expression so it'll be safe for us?
    These laws treat us as if we were either psychologically or emotionally impaired, and I'm sick of it.”


    “Are some cases legitimate? Absolutely.
    But here, this woman is a grownup.
    She entered into an adult, consensual relationship with her boss.
    It ended, perhaps bumpy.
    He's hurt, he's still in love, so she sues.
    She wasn't fired.
    She's a college-educated vice-president of a brokerage firm.
    She's 34 years old. She's a professional.
    She's here today to tell you that she can't stick up for herself.
    She is here today trying to take advantageof a law that declares women to be the weaker sex.
    Not for me, ladies and gentlemen.
    I wouldn't have gotten in my car and driven off.
    I'd have sooner driven over him.
    Let's treat these people, both of them... as if they were grownups.”


    Thanks for listening!! See you all next week!

    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       239浏览 评论(0)


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