• DaCheese     「SNE」Day 1 Introduction: Conformity

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    📒Welcome to SNE, ready to LEARN?


    🎯What is SNE?

    “SNE is a broadcast designed to BROADEN its listeners knowledge of various topics as a way to IMPROVE one’s READING 📖 and WRITING ✍️ skills, sometimes even interpersonal COMMUNICATION 🗣 skills!!”

    🗣Day 1: “The Power of Conformity”



    🏷Most of us probably like to think that we are conformist enough to not be considered terribly strange or frightening, and nonconformist enough to demonstrate that we are individuals and capable of independent thinking.

    🏷SOCIAL NORMS: The usually unspoken rules or guidelines for behavior in a group.

    🏷Chances are you were in a group in which everyone was behaving that way, so you went along with them.

    🏷Sometimes conformity is a powerful force on our behavior and can even at times make us do things that conflict with our attitudes, ethics, and morals. ”



    [from Scientific America
    by Asch, S. E. (1955)]

    🗣We will continue with the experiment done by Asch on conformity tomorrow!!
    Meanwhile, Keep Learning!!

    1970-01-01   4赞       0踩       211浏览 评论(2)


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