• 天天老师爱英语     英国下午茶-别什么都high, low tea 才是装逼

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Afternoon tea 确实是英国饮食文化中特别特别重要的一个环节。说好听点,是人家生活精致;说难听一点,是英国人确实没有啥好吃的所以,只能用afternoon tea 填补一下下。

    首先如果我不告诉你, high tea /low tea, 你觉得哪一个高级? 嘻嘻,觉得是high tea吧,错。其实low tea(低茶):low tea 才是传统下午茶之意。

    下午茶时客人会坐在低矮的沙发上,茶点也摆在较低的茶几上而得名,如果再增加一杯香槟,则称为 Royal tea(皇家茶)。至于 high tea,则是盛行于普通大众的更像是正餐的茶点,一般在六点进行。在过去,一般只有下层人民会在工作之间为了补充体力而享用 high tea,并且坐在较高的餐桌和椅子上,方便快吃快走。

    今天我们重点聊聊的当然是逼格十足的low tea。几个装逼界经常不休止讨论的问题,这里小天天参考大量史书,给大家一个标准答案。 (讲解侧重单词的发音)


    Milk in first or last? 要先放奶还是先放茶?
    Milk is added last and there really is no negotiation on this.
    先倒茶再加牛奶,而且在 有些高档酒店,侍者会为你先倒好茶

    Holding the teacup 怎么拿茶杯
    The correct way to hold your fine bone is by making your thumb and index finger meet in the handle.
    The cup is supported by the handle resting on your middle finger.

    How to blend tea and milk? 如何溶解茶和奶
    Avoid circular motions and instead stir tea with a back and forth motion

    作为low tea的必须甜点 scone 康饼(scone)我们看看它的发音和吃法。
    Scones: It is always ‘skon’ and never ‘skone’.

    Having selected your scone, do not pick up your knife and cut into it. A good scone will easily break in two from the middle.

    Jam or butter? 先涂抹果酱还是黄油?
    It's entirely up to you. 看你啦

    1970-01-01   6赞       0踩       643浏览 评论(0)
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