• 谁都饿就我不饿     雅思 ?“竞争的好处”

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Is competition good or bad? Why?

    There is a trend of increasing social competitiveness in contemporary society. In your opinion, is it a good or bad development?


    The advantages of social competition

    Some industries are more conducive to competition in the workplace than others. For instance, those in the sales field will typically be more competitive with coworkers than individuals in other fields, such as information technology. Nonetheless, a little competition in even the least competitive industries can be positive.



    One of the main advantages of competition in the workplace is that it can create an environment where employees push each other to exceed their normal limits, which can result in increased production, both at an individual level and among the entire workforce as a whole. As individual production numbers increase, so do those of the entire team of workers who seek to outdo one another. Competition can be rewarded with bonuses or various types of rewards.



    Another way in which workplace competition can be an advantage for workers is that it can spur a commitment to self-improvement. While financial incentives and bonuses are always a plus to get the competition going, those who see the bigger picture may take the competition as an opportunity to better themselves in the process of winning the competition. Self-improvement may include actions like changing work habits to be more organized, using visualization and goal setting to achieve goals and simply performing higher quality work.



    Not all competition in the workplace necessarily has to take place at the individual level. Competition can engender a sense of teamwork in the workplace when workers are placed in groups and asked to compete with one another, which can have a number of positive results that come from workers cooperating with each other. For example, workers can learn the value of communication and helping someone else, both of which can spill over into other areas of work like customer service.


    1970-01-01   6赞       0踩       105浏览 评论(1)


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