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    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Today we’re going to examine a Chinglish phrase that can be seen all across China, from the skyscrapers of Shanghai to the deserts of Xinjiang.

    I always find it a bit ironic that China, with its 5000 years of uninterrupted civilization, places these signs everywhere. And I often wonder if they actually work. But that’s a topic for another time! Today let’s look at some Chinglish.

    The Chinglish I’m referring to is “文明”, typically translated as civilized or civilization. Although the word 文明 is usually translated properly, typically the full sentence comes out as garbled Chinglish. So let’s look at an example and try to correct it.
    这里我想要提到的中式英语是“文明”,典型地被翻译做:civilized 或者 civilization。虽然通常来说“文明”这个词翻译出来是对的,但是最后整句话却是错乱的中式英语。我们就来看看这个例子,然后来纠正它吧!

    First of all, if you’re female, there’s a good chance you’ve never seen this sign before, because only men have this problem.

    This sentence is almost correct, but it falls apart with the use of “further step”. We don’t say “little further step“ in English. And the English translation doesn’t match the Chinese grammatical structure, which is unfortunate because the Chinese is so cute.
    其实这个句子其实差一点儿就对了,但就是差在它在这里用了“futher step”。在英语中,我们并不会说“little further step”。英语的翻译并不会完全地和中文语法相符,其实还蛮可惜的,因为这句话在中文里的表达,是挺可爱的。

    A better translation for this sign would be:

    One small step for you
    One great leap for civility

    Or if we wanted to be more literal, we could say “Please stand close to the urinal. Thank you.”
    或者如果我们想要再更口语化一点,会直接说“Please stand close to the urinal. Thank you.”(请更靠近便池一些再使用,谢谢!)”

    Here’s another great example:

    遵守社会公德,做文明学生 has been translated as “Obey the social ethics, do the civilization student”.
    “遵守社会公德,做文明学生”被翻译成“Obey the social ethics, do the civilization student”。

    This translation has several problems. First of all, social ethics does not need an article, so we can delete “the”. Second, 做 has been translated as “do”. “Do” a student means to have sex with a student, so that’s probably not right. We should say “Be” instead.
    这个翻译中有很多的问题。首先,“social ethics”(社会公德)并不需要一个冠词,所以我们会删掉“the”。第二个,“做”被粗暴地翻译成“do”。“Do a student“ 意思其实是“和学生上床”的意思,所以…这个应该也是错的(→_→),这里我们应该用“Be”来代替。

    And let’s change “the” to “a” because we are talking about one person, you, not a category of people. Finally, Civilization is a noun, but here we should use the adjective form civilized. So the final translation reads:

    Obey social ethics
    Be a civilized student.

    Have you ever encountered signs with the word 文明? Did you see any mistakes in the English translation? Tell us in the comments below!

    Well, that’s it for today. Thanks for tuning into 老外来找茬. I’m your host, Wang Ba Dan. See you next time! Peace out.


    skyscraper /ˈskaɪˌskreɪpər/
    n. 摩天大楼,高楼大厦
    desert /ˈdɛzɜrt/
    n. 沙漠
    uninterrupted /ˌʌnɪntəˈrʌptɪd/
    adj. 连续的,不间断的
    urinal /'jʊrənl/
    n. 小便池
    ethics /ˈɛθɪks/
    n. 道德规范

    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       64浏览 评论(0)
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