• The.hellraiser     A brief history of the Han Dynasty 汉朝简史

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Another new dynasty, called Han (206 B.C.-A.D. 220), emerged with its capital at Chang'an . The new empire retained much of the Qin administrative structure but retreated a bit from centralized rule. Confucian ideals of government, were adopted as the creed of the Han empire. Intellectual, literary, and artistic endeavors revived and flourished. The Han period produced China's most famous historian, Sima Qian ( 145-87 B.C.?), whose Shiji ( Historical Records) provides a detailed chronicle from the time of a legendary Xia emperor to that of the Han emperor Wu Di ( 141-87 B.C.)。 Technological advances also marked this period. After 200 years, Han rule was interrupted briefly (in A.D. 9-24 by Wang Mang , a reformer), and then restored for another 200 years. And A.D. 220 the Han empire collapsed.  另外一个新兴的朝代被称为是汉(公元前206年——公元220年),首都在长安。汉朝延续了许多秦朝的管理体制,但削弱了中央集权。儒家的治国之道被汉朝作为治国安邦的信条。文学艺术复苏并繁荣了起来。汉代造就了中国最伟大的史学家-司马迁(公元前145-公元前87?),他的《史记》采用编年史的形式,详细地介绍了从传说中的夏帝一直到汉武帝这一段时期的历史。另外,在这个时期,科技的进步也是非常引人注目的。    沿续了200年后,汉朝的统制曾经短暂地终止了(公元9-24年,名叫王莽夺位),尔后重新光复又延续了200年的时间。到公元220年,汉朝灭亡。

    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       10浏览 评论(0)
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