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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    2 Common Foods That Get Your Sex Drive Going Naturally


    Can eating specific foods get that mojo going? I'm a skeptic about this theory, but curiosity got the best of me so I decided to investigate. I'll admit there are times we could all use some inspiration to get in the mood and stimulate bodily desires and get it on. So I’ll give you two most common foods as a start!
    吃特定的食物会让爱的魔力转圈圈吗?我对这句话的真实性抱有怀疑,但是我还是磨不过好奇心决定去一探虚实。其实有时候食物真的可以让我们灵气激发,荡起情欲的双桨, 我就先说两个最常见的食物起个头吧!

    Oysters have long been suspected as a love drug. Cleopatra and Casanova had one thing in common, they loved oysters. Legend has it that Casanova ate dozens of oysters per day. The Venetian romancer once seduced a vestal virgin by seductively sliding an oyster from his mouth to hers. If that doesn't get you in the mood, I don't know what will! In fact, current research proves our suspicion. Oysters improves dopamine levels which boosts libido in men and women. Oysters are also high in zinc which is vital for testosterone production and healthy sperm.

    Some experts have called watermelon the new Viagra. Many experts stated eating watermelon delivers Viagra-like effects on blood vessels throughout the body and may increase libido! This cool refreshing fruit contains citrulline amino acid. Citruline is good for the cardiovascular system and helps relax the blood vessels that increase sex drive. If you want to get in the mood, make this watermelon sorbet and share it with your partner. I'm all about the easy delicious recipes!

    testosterone: According to Oxford Dictionary, testosterone is a potent androgenic hormone produced chiefly by the testes. 一种睾丸产生的强效雄性荷尔蒙激素(牛津)。
    cardiovascular:According to Collins Dictionary, cardiovascular means relating to the heart and blood vessels.与心脏与血管相关的。。(柯林斯)


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